The Weaver


Hi, Iā€™m Eli, the founder of Hemma Textiles! As a dual US/Swedish citizen who considers both countries to be home, I wanted to spend time in Sweden after graduating from college in the Spring of 2021. This led me to an island off the east coast of Sweden, named Gotland, where I pursued a fiber arts internship. Having studied anthropology, Chinese, and fashion history during college, I held a deep appreciation for textiles and culture, and wanted to gain a new set of practical skills to complement my academic knowledge. I was also interested in sustainability, and wanted to explore how I could individually make a positive impact by creating my own textiles. During my internship, I was exposed to both weaving and natural dyeing, and I quickly fell in love with both. Having found something I felt so passionate about and that I could endlessly explore for many years to come, I decided to start my own small business!


Hemma Textiles is born from my passion for weaving, sustainability, and cultural preservation. During my internship, I was introduced to the process, hard work, and consideration that goes into producing a piece of handwoven cloth. Additionally, I witnessed firsthand how the conservation of traditional methods of textile production can be a powerful tool in overcoming the hyper-consumptive nature of modern industry. My mission with Hemma Textiles is multipurpose. First, I endeavor to preserve the traditional craft of weaving by learning as much as I can about the tools and methods of weavers from centuries past, while producing woven cloth following these traditions. Second, I wish to bring an appreciation of handwoven textiles to a wider audience (via my social media and this website), by showing the dedication, skill, and fulfillment that are all a part of the weaving process. My hope is that I may contribute to a future where the textiles we own are transformed from produced to crafted, and commodity to heirloom.